Thursday, November 13, 2008

Not So Silly Questions

Once you've heard a sound,where does the sound go??
What colour is a chamelon?
When you turn off the light bulb in a room where light cannot escape,where does the light go?
Why do people say 'afterlife' when it's really 'afterdeath'?
why do people say 'afterdark' when it's really 'afterlight'?
Why is soap lather always white even when you use a purple-coloured soap?
After you've heard a sound,where does the sound go?
Why do super heroes like Superman, Spiderman and Cicakman always wear tight pants?
If humans evolved from apes,why do we still have apes?
If Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon,who took his pictures?
If humans left the earth,would time cease to exist?
What was the root of all evil before money?
If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches?
If electricity comes from electrons...does that mean morality comes from morons?
In a country of free speech,why are there phone bills?
If we all stopped voting,would the politicians go away?
What seeds were used for growing seedless watermelons?
If nerds are smart why are they so unpopular?
END of my blog; gilbert

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