Friday, November 7, 2008


Appreciate what you have before you haven't.Gratitude is the rarest of all virtues ,and yet we invariably expect it.our favourite attitude is gratiyude.It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful but what you have in your heart.There is a sense that no gift is ours until we have thanked the giver.Express gratitude generously and sincerely; receive gratitude humbly and graciously;expect gratutude rarely,if ever.The worse possible moment for an atheist is when he feels grateful and has no-one to thank.Be grateful for the door of pportunity `and for the friends who oil the hinges.

There's always something to be thankful for. If you can't pay your bills,you can be thankful you're not one of your creditors.Happiness will never come to those who fail to apprecite what they already have.There's one thing for which you should be thankful`only you and God have all the facts about yourself.If youcan't be comtent with what you have received be thankful for what you have escaped.Be grateful for what you have,not regreful for what you haven't.

If you have nothing to be thanful for,make up your mind that there is something wrong with you. He who receives a good turn should never forget it;he who does one should never remember it.He who is not grateful for the good things would not be happy with what he wishes he had.Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues ,but the parent of all the others.Debts of gratitude are the most difficult to collect.

I'm a very umble person......My mother is likewise a very umble person,We live in an umble abode.Master Copperfield,but we have much to be thankful for.Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.Happiness comes when we stop wailing abut the troubles we have,and offer thanks for all the trounles we don't have.Heaven is a state of thankfulness for having received what we did not deserve,and not receiving what we did deserve.

Thanksfulness could well be the finest sentiment of man`and also the rarest.The greatest lesson we leran from past civilisation is ingratitude.Gratitude to God should be as reguar as our heartbeat.Be thankful your job is a little harder than you like.A razor cannot be sharpened on a piece of velvet. A person doesn't realize how much he has to be thankful for until he has to pay tax on it.Let us give thanks if only for all the bad things that are never going to happen.

We ought to be thankful we are living in a country where folks can say what they think without thinking.If you think you haven't musch to be thankful for,why not be thankful for some of the things you don't have?You must speak up be heard, but sometime you have to shut up to be appreciated.Sleep;and if life was bitter to thee,pardon ,If sweet give thanks;thou hast no more to give;And to give thanks is good and to forgive.

The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.. Don't forget that appreciation is always appreciated.Appreciation is like an insurance policy.It has to be renewed occasionally.If you want to appreciate what an enormous job it is to clean up the anvirement ,start cleaning out your garage.The world's most unsatisfied hunger is the hunger for appreciation.Appreciation is what some people lack when you do them a favour.A slwp on the back often pushes out the chest.A single rose for the living is better than a costly wreath at the grave.

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